How much time would you get back in your life without the pain and annoyance of shaving, tweezing, and waxing? If you are ready for a “get up and go” lifestyle, it’s the perfect time to start a series of easy and comfortable procedures – and put the razor on the shelf. We treat both men and women, small areas and large areas.
It’s easy, and each package comes with 6 sessions to catch hair growth in various stages of growth and dormancy.
Small laser hair package includes both of the sideburns.
Small laser hair package that includes both cheeks
Small laser hair package consists of just the area below the chin.
Small laser hair package on just the upper lip area.
Small laser hair package (does not extend past the chin bone).
Small laser hair package on both ears.
Medium laser hair package starts where the under-chin area ends and extends down.
Small laser hair package covers area above the brow, in-between, but not beneath the brow bone.
Medium area that will extend to the hair line if needed and stops where a shirt collar would be.
Medium area that includes the cheeks, sideburns, lip, and chin.
Lip, Chin, Underarms, Bikini Line, Top Bikini, Ears, Eyebrows, Navel, Sideburns, Gluteal Crease, Under chin, Cheeks, Jawline, Nostrils, Fingers, Toes, Top of Foot, Top of hands and areolas.
Full face, Brazilian, upper arms, forearms, shoulders, and scalp
Improve your results by eliminating UV sun exposure on your skin (including tanning salon light) during the week before and the week after your treatment – it’s a good plan for all laser procedures, including photofacials! UV rays before and after laser treatments not only affect your treatment success, they can cause the laser to burn your skin. Please know that if your skin has had UV exposure the week before your treatment, we’ll have to reschedule. Protecting your skin is what we do best!
Laser Hair Reduction is quickly becoming the most popular method of reducing unwanted hair and minimizing hair regrowth while leaving the surrounding skin undamaged. Lasers and light sources use the principle of selective photo thermolysis to eliminate hair and its potential regrowth without damaging the surrounding skin. During a laser hair removal treatment, light passes through the skin and is absorbed by the melanin in the hair shaft. This absorption raises the temperature of the hair follicle and thermally destroys the cells responsible for regrowth. The attributes of the light (wavelength, pulse duration and power) are chosen to ensure damage to these cells and not to the rest of the skin
At The New Laser Light, we seek to bring our patients the very latest technologies and services that can help them reach their aesthetic goals. From the moment you walk into our facilities, you will notice an atmosphere of professionalism and luxury.
Melasma is caused by overproduction of melanin in the skin, usually by hormonal changes. It usually requires 4-6 treatments per area. Patients need to make sure they are using sunscreen with an SPF of at least 50 and with broad spectrum coverage and avoid direct sunlight and excessive heat.
Veins on the nose and in the cheeks are caused by different conditions such as rosacea, medications, over exfoliating of the skin, allergies and sun damage.
Spider veins are caused by excess pressure deep within the leg causing the veins to make small spider looking veins to help distribute the excess pressure. T
Active acne, including cystic acne responds well to laser treatments. Laser treatments breakdown excess kertin formation within the pores and they kill the acne bacteria that causes breakouts. The lasers remove excess cells to expose impurities held within the skin layers. The lasers also cut down on the inflammation caused by acne. Acne scarring is the result of active acne breakouts. The lasers help to remodel the scars smoothing and easing their appearance.
Cellulite is a condition of the skin that affects 80% of women and 10% of men. It is the “hail damage” appearance of skin in certain areas of the body such as the buttocks and thighs. Cellulite occurs where the fat cells underneath the skin form scar tissue that then attaches to the skin. The scar tissue then causes the dimpling appearance of the skin. Our lasers help to tighten the skin and reform the scar tissue so that the skin smoothes out. We typically will do a treatment series of 4-6 treatments. The treatments are pain free with no downtime.
Juvederm, Radiesse, and Revanesse Versa are popular dermal fillers used to improve the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and volume loss in the face.
Morpheus8 is a safe and effective minimally invasive technology for subdermal remodeling.
Alma TED provides a solution to those suffering from hair loss or hair thinning.
A dermal filler that will help to enhance the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and help to volumize areas such as the lips.
Juvederm, Radiesse, and Revanesse Versa are popular dermal fillers used to improve the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and volume loss in the face.
Alma TED provides a solution to those suffering from hair loss or hair thinning.